Explore Over 50 Backcountry Locations Throughout Central Oregon

Pick-Up / Drop-Off

R.A.D. Camps

William E. Miller Elementary School

Pick-Up and Drop-Off for ages 7-17

William E. Miller Elementary School

300 Northwest Crosby Drive

Bend, OR 97702


R.A.D. Sprouts


Tumalo - Sisters

Some R.A.D. Camps locations offer pickups in Tumalo and Sisters.

You can select these pickup locations when registering.

Tumalo Pickup - The Bite Parking Lot

Sisters Pickup - Sisters Ranger Station


Deschutes Zone Adventures


    Water Source: Lake/Creek

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: FlyFish Only

    Gorgeous Alpine meadow lake with a muddy bottom. The Creek flowing in is cold, but ideal for swimming on a hot day.


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Flyfish Only

    This creek is surrounded by wildflowers and wide-open glades of trees. Jump in and float the current, or venture out to find where the creek meets a large lake! It also has a wonderful sandy beach for relaxing and just enjoying the scenery.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This HUGE, clear lake has a sandy beach that is perfect for relaxing, swimming, and running! Want to explore further? Search for the island shallow enough to walk to on one side and deep enough to jump in on the other!


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Fly fishing Only

    This location is right on the bank of a shallow, swift-moving creek. Try your luck at floating, fishing, or playing in the woods at this beautiful spot!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This lake is clear because of the purity of the water - which also means it’s COLD! That doesn't stop our RAD Campers from cooling down in it! Enjoy the lake, or explore further to find criss-cross mountain streams full of frogs and fish!


    Water Source: River

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 miles

    Fishing: Flyfish only

    Take a short walk into this grassy meadow next to a gorgeous river. It’s slow-moving, clear, and refreshing - perfect for a hot summer day! Wade in the shallows, hunt for frogs, or explore up the bank and try to find the immaculate waterfall nearby. This spot is a fisherman’s dream!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Ready to swim? We gurantee you'll spend most of the day here in the water. This large lake has a rocky bottom, with clear and cool water. Our camp is at a site with a very gradual ledge into the lake, which lets you walk very far out before it's too deep.

Cascade Lakes Zone Adventures


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Large alpine reservoir with great swimming water. Banks are wooded and perfect for fort building!


    Water Source: Dry/River

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: No

    Explore the snow-free slopes of a volcano, then cool off in a river surrounded by grassy meadows for games.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This location is a large reservoir filled with cold water and LOTS of fish! Swim if you need to cool down or play games and build forts on the mudflats or in the lodgepole woods surrounding Basecamp.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Although very cold, this lake is a great spot for exploring and playing games. Our basecamp is located in a wooded area with minimal underbrush, making it perfect for running through the woods and building forts. Jump in when you get too hot!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This iconic Oregon lake was created by lava, and branches into twisty peninsulas that provide something new around every turn. Spend all day exploring the land, or jump into the refreshing water.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This lake is accessed via a short, flat walk in and around its banks. Arrive at basecamp, where the water is shallow and clear, with rocks dotting the surface, perfect for hopping across or sitting on. The woods surrounding the lake are the perfect place for hide-and-seek or building RAD forts.


    Water Source: Lake/Creek

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This gem-blue lagoon is surrounded by wildflowers and pines. Wade out into the cold water, or play with wildlife on the banks. Follow the creek upstream to see where it leads!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    It’s a small walk in from the parking lot to our own private point along the lake. Great fishing and swimming with a beautiful lava rock bottom. Perfect day to bring a hammock, build a fort, or swim!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: No

    Want to do some exploring? This is the spot of you! Walk along the crystal clear lake before heading uphill to find your own private waterfront camp for the day.


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Yes

    We love a good meadow! Roll up to this location and find a stream - just deep enough for a plunge - cutting through a high alpine meadow. Spend the day floating the stream or play lots and lots of games!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Yes

    This Classic lake is a great swimming spot! The gradual beach suits all swimming levels and the water is refreshing. If you’re tired of swimming, explore the woods and have a fort-building competition!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Spend the day along this sandy lake! Logs abound here, waiting to be made into forts or floated around in the water like pool noodles. The woods surrounding are open and sparse - the perfect location for tag or hide and go seek!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.25 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Cascade Lakes 13 has clear water surrounded by alpine forest. Our basecamp is right at the water’s edge, giving you easy access to the best fishing and swimming spots.

Mckenzie Zone Adventures


    Water Source: River/Lake

    Hike Length: 1.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    Hike along a swift and rocky river to view two HUGE waterfalls! Afterward, camp out and enjoy a crystal clear reservoir. Tons of room to explore the woods or soak in the water here!


    Water Source: Dry

    Hike Length: 2 miles

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This RAD Camps day is not located at any one spot. Instead, you'll start with a hike through a stunning wildflower meadow, surrounded by high mountains. After, you may have time to explore some hidden lava tubes or find some water to cool down. You'll get a taste of everything RAD Camps has to offer at this location!


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    Tucked away in a lush valley, this location is always overgrown with wild berries! Use the creek as a boundary for capture the flag, building civilizations in the woods, and enjoying being in a truly incredible location.


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    A short hike down a steep bank to the large, grass-covered lake bed. A small creek runs through the center that is full of crayfish! This creek has a couple of deeper pools that you can jump into from the bank above. You can pick wild strawberries and blueberries on the hike in and out.


    Water Source: Creek

    Image Comming Soon

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This creek has clear, cold water that's great for exploring and wading up and down the stream. The creek is surrounded by dense bushes on either side - great for hide n’ go seek! A fun place for a warm summer day, as you play games and build forts. Catch a break from the heat in the creek!


    Water Source: Dry/Creek

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    A short hike out into a beautiful lake of lava. Now covered in lush vegetation and banana slugs. You can build forts and explore the dense forest surrounding the lava-cast lake. A refreshing creek runs into the top of the lake, and you can cool off in multiple different creeks on this trip!


    Water Source: Creek/Dry

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    Enter into this dense and lush old-growth forest to find this location, nestled among huge, smooth boulders. Spend your day swimming in the creek and catching frogs, or exploring further into this majestic stand of trees. The ground is so full of life, it’ll feel like you’re walking on a trampoline!

Willamette Zone Adventures


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Flyfish Only

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    A small alpine lake. This location has some of the warmest water we visit - a perfect place to swim all day!! Surrounded by thick, green woods with wildlife all around, this location is definitely a FAN FAVORITE!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes, flyfish only

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    A small, alpine lake surrounded by beautiful old-growth forest. This lake requires a very short and flat walk-in, and you'll be rewarded with cool water for swimming and room to roam and play in the woods!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    We doubt you'll find anyone else out at this lake! One of our most secluded locations, to get to this lake you'll have to bushwhack through a vibrant forest. Once at the lake, you'll find tadpoles, newts, snakes, and more! If that doesn't interest you, there are always logs to float on and the water is always the perfect temperature.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    After a short hike through the dense, green forest, you will arrive at one of our favorite R.A.D. locations! This lake has clear, deep water, which means there's plenty of opportunities for jumping in and swimming around. Explore up the creek that runs into the lake, build a fort in the dense woods, or relax on one of the boulders surrounding the water.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    After a hike through lush, deep forests with berry bushes all around, arrive at a medium-sized, muddy-bottom lake. Basecamp is located in a clearing of the woods, with possibilities for exploring the forest or scrambling along logs in the water. Explore the trail that goes all the way around the lake!


    Water Source: Creek/Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: No

    Look up and see a stunningly tall waterfall at this location! It’s the second tallest in the state and surrounded by lush forest. Hike around it to find a creek filled with critters and a nice lake to spend the day at. It’s a true Oregonian’s dream!


    Water Source: Lake

    (Teen Location Only)

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    This location is a swimming favorite. Jump off the bank into the clear water, or pick blackberries along the shore. You can’t go wrong with this old-fashioned lake day!

Newberry Zone Adventures


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: 2 miles

    Fishing: Fly Fishing Only

    This location begins with a mile hike up to natural WATERSLIDES, following the creek the whole way. The water is clear and cool. Many different “slides” to try! On the way down, search for hidden waterfalls and even stand beneath them!


    Water Source: Dry/Lake

    Hike Length: Drive up, 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Visit several locations on this R.A.D. Camps adventure! Start with a drive up a mountain, giving you a wonderful view of the caldera below. Then, visit the lava flow you just saw from above and find a GIANT waterfall! Finally, cool down at a large lake. Or if you're already cold, soak in some natural hot springs along the water's edge.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Drive up

    Fishing: Yes

    This large lake has hot springs! Try to find them along the bank, or search for cool rocks along the beach! There's plenty of waterfront here to explore all day.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Bluewater, Hotsprings, room to roam - what more could you need? This lake has it all! Hike along its rocky banks to search for the best swimming spot.

Jefferson/Santiam Zone Adventures


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This lake has great mountain views with tons of logs to string together to make rafts! Explore the trees along the shore or dive into this incredible swimming spot!


    Water Source: Creek

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This ICE-cold creek is so fresh, you can even see where the flow comes out of its underground aquifer! Cool down in the water, or play games in the woods surrounding the creek.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    At this location, our base camp is located up on a bluff that overlooks the lake below. Tucked into the trees with large smooth boulders, this location is perfect for playing games or just exploring the terrain. The lake itself is always a great temperature and ideal for swimming. It is relatively shallow too!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: No

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This muddy-bottomed lake is a great swimming hole! Spend some time in the water, then hop out to play games and run through the ponderosas and snowbrush.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This unique basecamp offers a chance to relax and explore the island! To get there, wade through the water or try to balance across a log. With clean and deep water, this lake is great for swimming, and also has a fun jumping spot!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    After a hike along its woodsy banks, arrive at a secluded beach on the backside of this HUGE lake. Take in the views while chillin' on the beach, adventure through the small meadows and forest surrounding the sand, or enjoy swimming in the sandy-bottom water. The gradual slope of the bottom of the lake is perfect for all swimming abilities!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 miles

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    This fan-favorite spot has a shelf of land that goes far out into the water, which means it's shallow enough to wade very far out. The water is clear and always nice to swim in too! If the water isn't your thing, find old forts in the surrounding woods and explore this old fire burn that’s coming back to life.


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Yes

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    A Classic swimming spot, this lake has a long log connecting land to water that’s deep enough to jump into! Balance the whole way out to the end if you can!

State Park Adventures


    Water Source: Dry/River

    Hike Length: 1 mile

    Fishing: No

    Ancient tuff outcropping in the high desert, surrounded by sagebrush and sand, ideal for rock climbing and looking for lizards!


    Water Source: River

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Yes

    Grassy area along a shallow and clear river. Lots of room for tag and floating in the small rapids. For an adventure, find the waterfall!


    Water Source: Lake

    Hike Length: Drive Up

    Fishing: Yes

    Located at the bottom of a massive canyon, this lake is ideal for swimming all day long. Lots of grass to run around on too!


    Water Source: River

    Hike Length: Less than 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Flyfish Only

    Sisters and Tumalo Pickup Available

    Probably the most requested and most sought-after RAD Camps Spot, this location is in a deep, smooth stone canyon. The water here is cold, but that is made up for with the ample jumping spots and even a rope swing! Soak in the gorgeous scenery, and have a RAD time!


    Water Source: River

    Hike Length: 0.5 mile

    Fishing: Yes

    Ready to float the river? This is the spot for you! Spend the day playing in the shallow, running water or hang out on the grass with your new friends!


    Water Source: River

    Hike Length: 0.5 miles

    Fishing: No

    Hike along the trail under large trees, arriving at a wide open grass clearing along the bank of the steady river. Walk up the river a bit and hop in to float back down to basecamp! Run around on the flat grassy bank, explore the surrounding woods, or collect the abundant clay and mud along the edge of the river.